Introducing your Annual Benchmark Report

Eli Report is excited to provide the most advanced intelligence tool available to strata council members and property managers for budget review and capital planning, the Annual Benchmark Report.


Why would our strata council want an Annual Benchmark Report?

Every strata council is tasked with providing governance, management and oversight for their strata corporation. Being on strata council is a big responsibility, and one that few believe they are fully qualified for. After all, you need expertise in financial management, governance, bylaw enforcement, managing maintenance and repairs for the commercial building, plus a number of other governance functions. Even if you have that, until now you have been operating in isolation, basing decisions off your lived experience or with input from a property manager.

Now, you can see how your strata compares to the most similar buildings in BC.  Get line-by-line breakdown to see how this comparison group is allocating their budgets, what their insurance premiums and deductibles are, and what special levies are upcoming based on your strata’s circumstances.

The Annual Benchmark Report identifies opportunities for savings, calculates ‘overall reserve adequacy’ and tells you what CRF contribution level would avoid net special levies over the next 30 years.

It’s a treasure trove of information that will empower you to set your strata on the path to a better financial future.

Can I see a sample?

Yes, a sample Annual Benchmark Report is posted here, and a guide to assist you intepret the data in your report is available here.

How do I order one?

Anyone that registers as a strata council member or property manager can order an Annual Benchmark Report. Simply create your profile here, upload the strata documents, and pay for the order on behalf of your strata corporation. Your Annual Benchmark Report will be delivered within 48 hours.

What does it cost?

The launch price of the Annual Benchmark Report is $5/unit.

If your strata has less than 20 units, it will be slightly higher as the minimum report price is $100. If your strata has more than 100 units, it will be slightly less, as the maximimum annual benchmark report price is $500.  You will also receive an Eli Report with special levy forecast free ($60 value), which can be shared with all owners.

Have questions?

Contact us at to get answers to your questions. While we cannot provide advice, we can help ensure you get the most out of your Annual Benchmark Report.


Please note the Conditions of Use in the report. Eli Report is not licensed and does not provide advice. There are many important assumptions and risk factors; all use of Eli Report and Annual Benchmark Report is subject to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.